Logline: A rural noir thriller following a boy and his mother’s arrival into a small town where their fractured relationship is widened by his deepening journey into gun culture. Amidst the increasingly dangerous path he finds himself on, he and his mother struggle to repair their fractured family. But at what cost?
Production Stills
"The shoot took place in August 2021 in a town outside of Chicago called Lockport. It was an honor to work with John LaFlamboy and what I'll call his amazing "dream-machine," a trimuverate of fun & enterprise: HellsGate, Zombie Army Productions and Legacy Adventure Park. The shoot was buggy, hot and took place over a few short weeks involving broke-down cars, loud cicadas and trains, at the height of the pandemic with limited resources. But the cast and crew really worked their asses off and did great work. The 'Family' that John Mossman created through his beautiful approach to collaboration and respect made this one of the best experiences I've ever had on a movie set. Despite the challenging times, we came together, worked hard, and became a family out there 'in the woods' making this film."
Kevin Cooper, Producer