Logline: A rural noir thriller following a boy and his mother’s arrival into a small town where their fractured relationship is widened by his deepening journey into gun culture. Amidst the increasingly dangerous path he finds himself on, he and his mother struggle to repair their fractured family. But at what cost?
A coming of age action thriller following a boy and his mother’s arrival into a small town as their fractured relationship is widened by his deepening journey into gun culture, followed by his desperate efforts to reverse course when he discovers the dangerous direction he is headed.
Challenging the black and white concept of good guy/bad guy, the story explores the complex gray area lacking in the current American dialogue surrounding not just guns but many aspects of life deserving of a more nuanced discussion. In the end, the fractured family (similar to our American family) succeeds at repairing itself, bearing greater wisdom moving forward but not without a cost.